Nomination Submission Form for 2024 ISDP Election Ballot | International Society for Developmental Psychobiology

Nomination Submission Form for 2024 ISDP Election Ballot

This is a call for nominations to fill our upcoming vacancies on the Governing Board.  You are encouraged to nominate any of your fellow associates, as well as yourself by December 15, 2023 ASAP.

Following the nomination period, the Nominating Committee shall take appropriate action to ensure that nominees are willing to serve and have the scientific background consistent with the goals and objectives of the ISDP. The Secretary will coordinate an electronic ballot for the membership and the nominees with the most votes will be elected.

Please use this official online form and submit nominations by Friday, December 15, 2023 ASAP. All recommendations will be kept confidential.

*** Nominations should be submitted using the Nomination Form ASAP as the Nominating Committee is meeting in January to finalize the ballot.

Our Society is governed by a 14-member Governing Board.

This year we will elect candidates for the following positions: 

  • Treasurer-elect (1-year term followed by 3-year term as Treasurer)
  • Board Member (3-year term)
  • Program Officer-elect (1-year term followed by 2-year term as Program Co-Chair, followed by a 1-year term as Program Officer)

If you are interested in nominating someone (or yourself) for a position on the Governing Board, please submit your nomination by December 15th to include a short bio about the individual including contact information and consent to be on the 2024 ballot.

To nominate a candidate or to be considered as a nominee for a Board you must be a regular, early-career or a retired member in good standing of ISDP. If your membership has lapsed, please take this opportunity to renew your dues..

Candidates selected for the ballot will be contacted by Dr. Tania Roth, chair of the nominating committee, to verify their willingness to serve if elected. Once we have a slate of candidates finalized, we will distribute an electronic ballot to all members of the society in early January and the results of the election will be announced via email once all candidates have been notified. For more information on the current Governing Board, please visit:

You can also use the online Membership Directory from your member profile page to verify whether your nominee is a an ISDP member. Thank you all for your continued active membership and participation in ISDP.     

Tania L. Roth, Chair, ISDP Nominating Committee

Your Name (will remain confidential) *
Your E-mail Address *
Nominations are due Friday, August 23, 2024. You may submit for more than one position per nomination, using only one form per nomination. To select multiple items from the list, hold down the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key. Then click on your desired items to select. All of the items you have selected should be highlighted with a different-colored background. *
Name of Nominee (if self nominating, type your name here) *
Please upload a pdf document with the 1) name and contact information of your nominee to include e-mail address, 2) summary of relevant scientific interest and activity in the field for at least three years, 3) a brief recommendation and support statement. *

Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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2024 International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP)