All Student Membership Applications must include a letter from a Member of the Society, or a faculty or professional member of the institution in which the applicant is situated, verifying status as a Student there, to be uploaded with the membership application. This student status information must be updated and re-uploaded each year of Student Membership. Student Members who have obtained their PhD need to change membership type to Early-Career, and please encourage your advisor to nominate you for the ISDP Dissertation Awardif you have been granted your degree within 18 months prior to the nomination! Early-Career Postdocs are still eligible for ISDP Student/Postdoc Member Travel Awards.
$75 per year Student Members shall be persons who hold a baccalaureate degree and who are full-time workers in a research setting or who are registered as full-time candidates for a baccalaureate or higher degree who wish to participate in the activities of the Society. An application for Student membership shall be sponsored by a Member of the Society, or a faculty or professional member of the institution in which the applicant is situated. Student Members shall be voting members of the Society but may not stand for office in the Society, except for the office of Student Member Representative. Student Membership dues include an ONLINE subscription for the journal Developmental Psychobiology. Dues also include discounted annual meeting registration, eligibility for ISDP Student/Postdoc Travel Awards, access to the ISDP member listserv, access to the ISDP member directory for use in networking. Student Members who have obtained their PhD need to change membership type to Early-Career, and please encourage your advisor to nominate you for the ISDP Dissertation Awardif you have been granted your degree within 18 months prior to the nomination! Early-Career Postdocs are still eligible for ISDP Student/Postdoc Member Travel Awards.
Members are encouraged to share their recent publications with the ISDP to have them shared via the Society’s Website and Social Networking sites.
The International Society for Developmental Psychobiology is incorporated (ISDP) as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Membership dues and subscriptions paid to ISDP are not considered charitable contributions for federal tax purposes, however they may be deducted as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Members should consult their tax advisors for further guidance. Note that a donation to the ISDP Member Travel Grant Fund is tax deductible. ISDP Federal Tax ID # is: 64-0954919
For more information or assistance, please contact Joan Oefner, Managing Director, in the ISDP Management Office:
International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP) NEW ADDRESS: 270 Oak Ave, River Edge, NJ 07661 USA email
Virtual Office of the Managing Director:
Joan Oefner, Managing Director
Regensburg, Germany
Tel or WhatsApp: +49 (0) 171-1049-181 email