ISDP 2025 Symposium Proposal Submission | International Society for Developmental Psychobiology

ISDP 2025 Symposium Proposal Submission

ISDP 2025 Symposium Proposal Submission Deadline is March 31, 2025

To submit a Symposium Proposal, you do not need to be an ISDP member, but at least one speaker must be an ISDP member and speakers must represent different laboratories and locations. Successful symposium proposals will cover cutting-edge interdisciplinary data and novel methods relevant to longitudinal and translational models of development with special emphasis on how environmental factors, such as early adversity, alter developmental trajectories. Research promoting both human and animal models highlighting complementary or translational work across species are encouraged. ISDP’s annual meeting provides a unique opportunity for advanced researchers, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduate students who share a common interest in developmental processes share their science in a scholarly and collegial atmosphere with no competing sessions which facilitates interactions across disciplines and levels of expertise.  A symposium session usually consist of 4 speakers or 3 speakers and a discussant, with a chair or co-chairs who may or may not also be speakers in the session.

TITLE: (MS., MRS., MR., DR., PROF.)* *
First Name *
Last Name *
Institution *
Address *
City *
Country *
Postal Code *
Mobile Phone Number (in the event we need to text you) *
Email (If you are an ISDP member, please use the same email address in our online membership system) *
Membership Status (Regular Member, Early-Career Member; Student Member, Retired Member, Non-Member) *
Title of Symposium (Use UPPER case (ALL CAPS). e.g. TITLE OF SYMPOSIUM *
Please type the full name and email address for each of the chairs and presenters in the order you wish them to present. *
Please choose one or more topics from the list below that you feel your symposium submission is best suited: (to choose more than one, please hold down the Ctr key or on a MAC the cmd key) *
Ages of Research Subjects - Please choose an AGE or AGES from the list below associated with the research discussed in this symposium proposal: (to choose more than one, please hold down the Ctr key or on a MAC the cmd key) *
Details Research Subjects: Please choose one or more Research Species Categories from the above below related to this symposium proposal: *
I agree that the research done in this symposia complies with the ethical guidelines in the use of animals and humans. For more information about ethical guidelines on the treatment of animals, please visit Ethical Guidelines in the use of Animals and Humans *

Clear Selection
Is this a Young Investigator Symposium? (All participants must be within seven years of earning a PhD) *

Clear Selection
Proposal in Word Document: Please upload a WORD document with the Symposium Proposal TITLE (in ALL CAPS); Names, Affiliations and Email Addresses of the Chair(s), Moderators, Discussants and Presenters as well as the full Description of the Session, followed by an Abstract for each of the proposed presentations including the TITLE (IN ALL CAPPS), authors & affiliations and the description of the presentation. If your proposal is chosen for submission, this information will be shown on the ISDP Meeting Website and in the meeting program. The authors will be required to re-submit their full abstract through the online conference management system (without an abstract fee, instructions will be sent to them). Please view the example of a successful Symposium Proposal. Example of a Successful Symposium Proposal Submission *
Please upload a photo of the Symposium Chair here for use on the website, in the program materials (if the symposium is accepted) *
Please upload a photo of the Symposium Co-Chair here for use on the website, in the program materials (if the symposium is accepted)

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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2025 International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP)